
Save on Repairs: 10 Tips for Defensive Driving

When you drive a Land Rover SUV, it can feel like you own the road. You're positioned higher in the driver's seat than many other cars on the road, staring down at smaller vehicles and motorcycles you could easily crush without scratching paint job. This feeling can be a little misleading, and even dangerous, however. And it could easily lead to a car accident and the need to perform expensive repairs or purchase new Land Rover parts.

Maintaining a mindset that you need to protect yourself, your family, and other drivers on the road can help you avoid being involved in many accidents. The best way to put this mindset into action is with defensive driving.

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How to Change a CV Joint

Having trouble with a CV joint on your Peugeot? Before you dive into replacing it, it's important to understand what a CV joint and CV axle actually is.

CV, or constant-velocity, axles are car parts used on front-wheel drive cars, some all-wheel drive vehicles, and some older rear suspension vehicles. They are responsible for transferring the power of the engine to the two (or four) drive wheels from the transaxle.

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Vauxhall, Ford, or Volkswagen- Which Will Cost you More to Repair?

Buying a car is a gamble, whether it's new or pre-owned. You never know what's going to go wrong with it sometime down the road, or, more importantly, how much those repairs and replacements are going to cost you. Or can you?

What if you could purchase a car with a little more information at hand than you've had in the past? Thanks to research performed by, you can be a little more prepared when buying a Ford, Vauxhall, or Volkswagen.

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10 Most Common Car Part Repairs

Owning a Renault is a big responsibility, and sometimes, a very frustrating one. While we'd all love it if our cars withstood time with grace, they need a lot of TLC in order to stay operational and looking good. When you purchase a new or used Renault, it's important to think about this act as if you were having another child. It may not require as much attention and care as a baby, but it will need to be given baths (car wash,) taken to the doctor (mechanic,) and fed well (fluid changes) in order to survive.

And even with all that work, there will still be some unexpected surprises that pop up as time goes on. Just like your child could get a broken leg or come down with the flu, your car may have a few Renault parts that break down. Here are the most common you can expect throughout the life of the car.

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Recalls- What Should you do About Them and What if it's too Late?

Each year, thousands of vehicles around the world are recalled when manufacturers discover problems that could make them a potential hazard on the road. It's essential that drivers see to these issues as quickly as possible, because many times, they are safety-related.

Does that automatically mean you should panic when you find a recall notice in your letter box, though?

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When it Comes to Your Engine, Size Really Does Matter

Buying a new car comes reveals of host of complicated questions. You have to determine how it will be used to find the right fit, select the proper make and model you want, and  figure out what type of mileage per litre of petrol you'll need. You'll need to do your research to determine the car's history and get all of the correct paperwork in order. Then there's the extras, like the colour of the vehicle and whether you want heated seating.

Before you get into all of that, though, there's one variable that must be considered first, as it determines many other features of the car: the engine size.

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3 Things to Consider Before you buy a Renault Wind

The decision to buy another car isn't one that should be taken lightly. In fact, a lot of research, contemplation, and work should go into the process of finding the right one. If you're thinking about buying a Renault Wind for its handsome looks and low price, it's important to consider a few questions before you make any type of final decision.

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Vauxhall Vectra vs. Carlton: Common Problems and Solutions That Could Affect Your Purchase

It's time to purchase a new Vauxhall. Maybe it won't exactly be 'new,' but it will be new to you. You've owned several Vauxhalls over the years, and you trust them to be reliable, safe vehicles that will get your family from point A to point B whenever necessary.

Your choice of what Vauxhall to purchase hasn't been an easy one, though. You have two options available to you in your area, a Vectra and a Carlton. Both are excellent cars that will suit your small family, but you know that looks and seating can only go so far. You need a car that will be reliable, and that means you will have to thoroughly understand what problems could occur in each commonly before you make a decision.

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Five Reasons Female-Friendly MOT Test Centres are all the Rage

Going to the mechanic can be an intimidating, frustrating, and sometimes terrifying experience for a lot of women. Those of us who don't know a lot about car repairs have all been there at one point or another. The mechanic is standing in front of you, reeling off a list of problems with your car and car parts that are needed. While you're doing your best to pay attention, you don't have a clue what he's talking about. All you can think about is:

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Top Benefits of Using a Mobile Mechanic

No one ever enjoys having their car break down. That is, perhaps, the truest statement ever. When your car breaks down, you're left stranded. You may be left on the side of the road or in your own driveway, but the location doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that your day is ruined. Maybe you'll miss that important morning meeting at work. Maybe you'll have to quickly find someone else who can pick your children up from school. Maybe your back seat full of groceries will slowly begin to melt all over your seats.

It's not a fun time, but finding the right mechanic can make it a little easier.

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